Category: Technical Leadership: Cloud

Parent categories: Technical Leadership

HPC on OpenStack the good, the bad and the ugly - Ümit Seren

Other tags: | Technical Leadership: HPC |

HPC on OpenStack the good, the bad and the ugly - Ümit Seren The FOSDEM 2020 talks are online now and there’s a lot of really nice work presented. In the HPC, Big Data, and and Data Science track, this good- and bad-news overview of setting up multiple HPC infrastructures on an on-prem OpenStack deployment to take advantage of the reconfigurability between environments. It’s a great talk, and highlights the downsides (the huge complexity of OpenStack) and the upsides (the configurability). That talk brings up...


Building cloud-based data services to enable earth-science workflows across HPC centres - John Hanley, ECMWF

Other tags: | Technical Leadership: HPC |

Building cloud-based data services to enable earth-science workflows across HPC centres - John Hanley, ECMWF Also from both the UK and FOSDEM, this is a really nice overview of a very sophisticated solution to making archival simulation data from the outputs of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts available in a cloud environment for querying and reanalysis. Groups like ECMWF run with operational requirements that would keep most of us awake at nights in panic-induced sweats - it turns out that governments, companies, navies...


Code-wise, cloud-foolish avoiding bad technology choices - Forrest Brazeal

Code-wise, cloud-foolish: avoiding bad technology choices - Forrest Brazeal This article is from the start of the year, but it’s been circulating around, and it is good advice in a short article. Everywhere in computing, but it maybe worse in research computing, is a tendency towards NIH Syndrome - “Not Invented Here”. There’s a tendency to roll our own rather than lean on existing tooling; which is frankly madness, since our specialty is using and computing technology to solve research problems, not to invent computing...
