HPC on OpenStack the good, the bad and the ugly - Ümit Seren

This resource first appeared in issue #6 on 14 Feb 2020 and has tags Technical Leadership: Cloud, Technical Leadership: HPC

HPC on OpenStack the good, the bad and the ugly - Ümit Seren

The FOSDEM 2020 talks are online now and there’s a lot of really nice work presented. In the HPC, Big Data, and and Data Science track, this good- and bad-news overview of setting up multiple HPC infrastructures on an on-prem OpenStack deployment to take advantage of the reconfigurability between environments. It’s a great talk, and highlights the downsides (the huge complexity of OpenStack) and the upsides (the configurability).

That talk brings up the issue of testing Infrastructure-as-a-Code, but the talk Infrastructure testing, it’s a real thing! by the aptly-named Paul Stack goes into that issue in more detail. How do you do CI/CD when your “deploys” are infrastructure?

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