Category: Strategy: Marketing

Parent categories: Strategy

Blogging your research Tips for getting started - Alice Fleerackers, ScholCommBlog

Blogging your research: Tips for getting started - Alice Fleerackers, ScholCommBlog Fleerackers’ post is aimed at researchers but works equally well for us in research computing. It starts off with an important point - not every blog post needs to be a 1500 word feature. It could be a summary of a paper or conference session, a Q&A/interview post; anything that makes the audience more informed about your groups work than it was before. The decision for where to blog is normally easier for our...


Some RSE Group Communications Examples

Newcastle University Research Software Engineering 2020 (PDF) - Newcastle Research Software Group BEAR - Advanced Research Computing Research Software Group 2020 Report (PDF) - Birmingham Research Software Group These two reports on the 2020 activities of the research software development groups at Newcastle and Birmingham are extremely interesting if you run a research software development core facility-type operation, and very interesting even if you don’t int terms of the clear product and strategy mindset (and communications efforts) behind the groups. In Newcastle’s, we get some...


If you build it, promote it, and they trust you, then they will come Diffusion strategies for science gateways and cyberinfrastructure adoption to harness big data in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) community - Kerk F. Kee, Bethanie Le, Kulsawasd Jitkajornwanich

If you build it, promote it, and they trust you, then they will come: Diffusion strategies for science gateways and cyberinfrastructure adoption to harness big data in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) community - Kerk F. Kee, Bethanie Le, Kulsawasd Jitkajornwanich Software packages, like ideas, don’t in fact speak for themselves. Getting any sizeable number of people to adopt a new idea, new practice, or new tool requires enormous amount of coordinated communication effort. In this paper, Kee, Le, and Jitkajornwanich describe what...


Examples Of Good RSE Success Stories

Research Software Engineering to reduce the environmental impact of a long-running script - Univ of Bristol Advanced Computing Research Centre RSE Case Studies - N8CIR In research computing, too much of the work we do goes unsung. This is a problem for a number of reasons - institutional decision makers don’t see the impact of our work, and other researchers we could be working with don’t have a good sense of what we do. As with the technical areas of research computing, documentation is key!...
