Blogging your research Tips for getting started - Alice Fleerackers, ScholCommBlog

This resource first appeared in issue #52 on 27 Nov 2020 and has tags Managing A Team: Documentation/Writing, Strategy: Marketing

Blogging your research: Tips for getting started - Alice Fleerackers, ScholCommBlog

Fleerackers’ post is aimed at researchers but works equally well for us in research computing. It starts off with an important point - not every blog post needs to be a 1500 word feature. It could be a summary of a paper or conference session, a Q&A/interview post; anything that makes the audience more informed about your groups work than it was before.

The decision for where to blog is normally easier for our teams - we generally have a website (but getting posts put elsewhere is good too - like the US-RSE blog aggregator or guest posts on relevant sites), and then set some kind of reasonable schedule. The most important thing about the schedule (IMHO) is that it’s realistic - routine posts, even spaced apart by a couple months, is better than a flurry of over-ambitious posting followed by exhaustion and abandonment.

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