ACI-REF Leading Practices of Facilitation - Advanced CyberInfrastructure - Research and Education Facilitators

This resource first appeared in issue #121 on 07 May 2022 and has tags Strategy: Product/Service Management, Working With A Research Community: Other

ACI-REF Leading Practices of Facilitation - Advanced CyberInfrastructure - Research and Education Facilitators

This is a document outlining what exactly a research computing and data facilitator does. The role gets called a lot of different things. A million years ago I was a “Technical Analyst”, one of the many completely opaque job titles we give ourselves in this line of work, but it was this role.

When I took on this role, the centre was just starting up and we were trying to figure out what exactly we’d do all day. At first, we just helped out wherever we could - easy because we only had a few friendly users at the time. As the centre grew, we started doing more types of things, and unofficially specialized in different parts of the role, but there was never actually a clear list of responsibilities. This is a good starting point for those starting to map out job responsibilities or even service offerings for research systems support work.

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