The pushback effects of race, ethnicity, gender, and age in code review - Emerson Murphy-Hill, Ciera Jaspan, Carolyn Egelman, Lan Cheng, *Comm ACM* 2022

This resource first appeared in issue #120 on 30 Apr 2022 and has tags Becoming A Manager: Diversity, Managing A Team: Other, Technical Leadership: Other, Technical Leadership: Software Development

The pushback effects of race, ethnicity, gender, and age in code review - Emerson Murphy-Hill, Ciera Jaspan, Carolyn Egelman, Lan Cheng, Comm ACM 2022

When we’re assessing the technical merits of a code contribution, and by extension assessing letters of reference etc about a candidate’s technical merit, we need to be aware of these effects - non-white, non-male, and older colleagues get significantly higher pushback for PRs, controlling for number of lines changed, readability, and other effects.

Summary of the author's results, showing the odds ratio of significant pushback for a variety of changes, for a variety of authors, including breakdowns by ethnicity, gender, age, and "insider-ness

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