Reverse Interviewing Your Future Manager and Team - Gergely Orosz

This resource first appeared in issue #119 on 23 Apr 2022 and has tags Managing Your Career: Other

Reverse Interviewing Your Future Manager and Team - Gergely Orosz

There’s no perfect jobs, but there are bad jobs, and there are overall good jobs which nonetheless are a very bad match to what you personally prefer and want to be doing every day.

Once you get an offer you can start reverse-interviewing in earnest. I don’t mean the “what does success look like in this role” kind of question you ask in the last 5 minutes of a 60 minute interview slot, I mean really digging deep to figure out what working in the job would actually be like. Especially if you have a couple of offers (and todays environment is very conducive to getting multiple offers), the information uncovered here can help guide you to a choice you’ll be happy with for a few years.

Besides any specific questions that you have after thinking about the role and the organization - anything which seems odd or surprising to you - Orosz and some of his colleagues contribute some pretty good general purpose questions for the hiring manager but also senior peers you’d be working with:

  • What are you most excited about for the next six months?
  • What did your typical workweek look like for the past month?
  • How would you describe the team dynamics
  • What advice would you give the new hire to be successful?
  • Hsa anyone left the team? What was the reason?
  • Can you show a non-trivial code review [LJD - or migration or update or…]?
  • What separates a good day from a bad day for you? (and then dig into how often the bad days occur and what causes them)
  • What do you like and dislike about the manager?
  • Who did they last promote on the team, and why?
  • How supportive are they as a manager?

Even if the answers only solidify your decision to join the new company, they will be useful for giving you a head start, knowing better what to expect in your first months.

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