6 ways staff engineers help reach clarity - Alex Ewerlöf

This resource first appeared in issue #117 on 09 Apr 2022 and has tags Technical Leadership: Other

6 ways staff engineers help reach clarity - Alex Ewerlöf

Being at the Staff/Principal doesn’t mean knowing everything. Ewerlöf describes a number of other roles they can play in helping people find answers, with “knowing the answer” being probably the least valuable case:

  1. The Go-To: you have the answer
  2. The Rubber ducky: you’re the coach/mentor that helps them answer their own question
  3. The Catalyst: you know the people who have pieces of the answer
  4. The Detective: you know how to find the answer
  5. The Communicator: you know how to communicate the answer
  6. The Researcher: you know the experiment that will produce the answer
  7. Other: you know how to wait for or work around the unknown
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