Gratitude Is More Powerful Than You Think - Chiara Trombini, Pok Man Tang, Remus Ilies, INSEAD Knowledge

This resource first appeared in issue #112 on 05 Mar 2022 and has tags Becoming A Manager: Feedback, Becoming A Manager: Managing Individuals

Gratitude Is More Powerful Than You Think - Chiara Trombini, Pok Man Tang, Remus Ilies, INSEAD Knowledge

Even in the with high levels of stress and overwork during the pandemic, simply expressing gratitude was enough to make a measurable impact on healthcare workers job (and even personal) happiness. This was especially true for doctors and nurses in this study who identified strongly with their job.

It is so easy to say thank you to your team members and give them positive feedback. It’s also really easy to forget to do so! As leads and managers our minds are often occupied with the problems and we forget to spend the moment it takes to give feedback on something done well or on time. We saw in an HBR article in #64 that there’s there’s no diminishing returns to positive feedback either, at any plausible level.

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