The Void of Empowerment - Aviv Ben-Yosef

This resource first appeared in issue #107 on 29 Jan 2022 and has tags Becoming A Manager: Other

The Void of Empowerment - Aviv Ben-Yosef

Ben-Yosef talks about the void managers and leaders of successful teams can feel in steady-state when, frankly, they don’t feel needed. Stuff is working well, there are relatively few fires to put out, and the Universe is unfolding as it should.

But that’s success. It gives options for growth, letting you take on new responsibilities while delegating work to team members for their growth.

One thing I really like about this article is a distinction it makes: working on the team vs working in the team. Working on the team via mentorship and coaching, or hiring or improving processes, should be the priority. Working in the team - putting out fires, rolling up the sleeves and helping with work - is unlikely to ever reach 0% of your time, but if you’re putting out the same kinds of fires or pitching in on the same kind of work routinely, that’s a problem that should be addressed.

Ben-Yosef’s default time allocation recommendations when leading a healthy team.  One-on-ones, 25%; meetings, 25%; 10% each for leadership blocks, putting out fires, hiring, 7.5% each for email and personal work time, 5% “management by walking around”

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