How to make accountability a core part of your workplace culture - Hiba Amin

This resource first appeared in issue #104 on 11 Dec 2021 and has tags Managing A Team: Other

How to make accountability a core part of your workplace culture - Hiba Amin

We’ve talked before about how what makes a team a team, as opposed to just a bunch of people with logins to the same slack, is mutual accountability. Team members job satisfaction is heavily influenced by being able to rely on their fellow team members, and good team members are happy to be able to be relied on.

Amin summarizes some areas to focus on to increase the level of mutual accountability within your team:

  • Lead by example, holding yourself accountable first (honestly, a lot of research computing team leads and managers I’ve seen are quite good at this, probably better than in other sectors)
  • Set team goals (also generally pretty good)
  • Give good feedback (this is where things get dicier)
  • Create a culture of two-way feedback - to you, and to fellow team members (dicier still)
  • Make accountability a habit
  • Keep track of your commitments, holding each other acountable
  • Use an accountability framework so you know who’s responsibile for what
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