A guide to quarterly planning (plus a template) - Nicole Kahansky, Hypercontext

This resource first appeared in issue #103 on 04 Dec 2021 and has tags Technical Leadership: Other, Becoming A Manager: Meetings

A guide to quarterly planning (plus a template) - Nicole Kahansky, Hypercontext

Kahansky gives an outline for a quarterly planning meeting. Quarterly is an excellent cadence for planning (and even performance reviews) for a lot of research computing teams; long enough between meetings that meaningful amounts of work can be done, but short enough to be able to react to our always-changing environment and needs. Kahansky outlines a five-point agenda:

  • Retrospective on last quarter
  • Brainstorm on what could be done to make a significant difference in the next quarter
  • What will have the biggest direct impact on goals
  • What external things are happening that need to be factored into the plan
  • What obstacles could stand in our way.
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