How Men Can Be More Inclusive Leaders - David G. Smith, W. Brad Johnson, and Lisen Stromberg, HBR

This resource first appeared in issue #74 on 14 May 2021 and has tags Becoming A Manager: Diversity

How Men Can Be More Inclusive Leaders - David G. Smith, W. Brad Johnson, and Lisen Stromberg, HBR

If something - anything! - is truly important at work, then you adopt and communicate it as one of your small number of priorities, learn about it, set targets for it, and have transparency and accountability for those targets. Then you try stuff, listen carefully about why current approaches are and aren’t working, and iteratively make changes to what you’re trying and the targets.

Smith, Johnson, and Stromberg suggest taking that approach in your inclusion efforts, with a focus on what changes when the priority is as important but sensitive as inclusion. Their recommendations:

  • Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable - sometimes you’re going to hear things you don’t want to hear,
  • Make It Personal and Visible - to have credibility, and
  • Design Transparency and accountability into the efforts
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