What if you dread 11s with a direct report? - Lara Hogan, LeadDev

This resource first appeared in issue #74 on 14 May 2021 and has tags Becoming A Manager: One-on-ones, Becoming A Manager: Managing Individuals

What if you dread 1:1s with a direct report? - Lara Hogan, LeadDev

You’re not going to look forward to all one-on-ones equally. If there are some you find yourself dreading, that’s an indicator light that something needs looking at in the relationship, on your side or theirs.

After digging into things to understand what’s bothering you about the meetings or relationship, figuring out what you need, and making clear to yourself what is and isn’t your responsibility, Hogan suggests working with your team member to figure out a way forward:

  • Learning what they need from you, by asking them what’s worked in the past
  • Figure out whether you can provide that
  • Decide and communicate what you will and won’t be doing as their manager - setting clear boundaries and expectations.
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