Running effective 11s

This resource first appeared in issue #72 on 30 Apr 2021 and has tags Becoming A Manager: Managing Individuals, Becoming A Manager: One-on-ones

How to Run Effective 1:1s - Luca Rossi
The big guide to One on Ones (1:1s) for Managers - Matt Nunogawa

It’s always good to refresh the basics, especially when hearing from someone new.

Rossi emphasizes, correctly in my opinion, the relationship-maintenance aspect of one-on-ones - maintaining the lines of communication is at least as important as what is communicated in any particular one-on-one. He also has this nice image about how having a scheduled opportunity to touch base frequently makes it much easier to make nudges and keep things on course than having less-frequent one-on-ones (or worse, not having them at all):

Correcting problems with frequent one-on-ones

Both are good short reads, especially if you’re not already doing routine one-on-ones.

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