9 Tips for Effectively Sharing Peer Feedback in the Workplace - Mara Carvello

This resource first appeared in issue #67 on 26 Mar 2021 and has tags Becoming A Manager: Feedback, Strategy: Working across an organization

9 Tips for Effectively Sharing Peer Feedback in the Workplace - Mara Carvello

Worth comparing this to what we discussed earlier on feedback. Carvello councils use of on-judgmental language, and focus on the problem not the individual; those are consistent with talking about behaviour and impact. Be prepared to have a conversation - makes sense when talking with peers. We’ve talked in other issues about how the “feedback sandwich” approach is known not to work; the way to “cushion” negative feedback with positive feedback isn’t to batch them in threes, it’s to be frequently giving positive feedback!

Beyond that I think the assumption behind this article is that one has feedback conversations only occasionally, a special thing you have to brace yourself for, rather than it be an ongoing part of everyday work conversations.

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