Private 11 Notes Template (Google Doc) - Don Neufeld

This resource first appeared in issue #67 on 26 Mar 2021 and has tags Becoming A Manager: Managing Individuals, Becoming A Manager: One-on-ones

Private 1:1 Notes Template (Google Doc) - Don Neufeld

One-on-ones are an incredibly useful tool for listening to your team members, and building up the trust so that they’ll actually tell you things. Over time you’ll learn a lot about your team members desired career development, and between those and setting and reviewing goals you’ll get good information about their strengths and gaps.

Periodically reviewing those one-on-one notes and distilling them into some key “headline” areas - and keeping those headlines updated - is an extremely useful practice. It can be useful to tie that practice into something related you’re doing periodically with the team member, like goal reviewing and goal setting.

Neufeld shows his template for what that summary document would look like, including strengths, gaps, likes and dislikes, preferred communications or feedback style, hiring date, etc.

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