Snowflake retros - Mike Crittenden

This resource first appeared in issue #61 on 12 Feb 2021 and has tags Becoming A Manager: Meetings

Snowflake retros - Mike Crittenden

While retrospective meetings are useful for all kinds of research computing work, software development is main area where retros happen so often and regularly that they can start to get stale.

Crittenden suggests avoiding that by making each one unique - setting up a rotation of both the person who runs the retro and the format of the retro (there’s a link to 10 different retro formats) to have them regularly changed up.

As a postscript - I can not recommend highly enough the approach of having team members rotate through running regular team meetings. Builds an important skill in your team members, makes people more willing to take charge of things, you get additional perspectives, etc.

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