Markets, discrimination, and "lowering the bar" - Dan Luu

This resource first appeared in issue #59 on 29 Jan 2021 and has tags Hiring: Other, Becoming A Manager: Diversity

Markets, discrimination, and “lowering the bar” - Dan Luu

There’s a common, dumb argument that there can’t be sustained discrimination in a competitive hiring market place, because competition would have gotten rid of any such inefficiencies.

Needless to say trying to negate actual reality with pure thought doesn’t work well, and Luu’s article here puts this article to rest. This is an older article that is extremely relevant to the hiring process text above; how you aren’t trying to hire some “best” candidate out there - and that even if you were, making steps to ensure you have a diverse candidate pool and making a point of hiring candidates who face discrimination is the very opposite of “lowering the bar” and so presumably having worse outcomes.

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