Tech Lead Management roles are a trap. - Will Larson

This resource first appeared in issue #55 on 19 Dec 2020 and has tags Managing A Team: Other, Becoming A Manager: Other, Managing Your Career: Other, Technical Leadership: Other

Tech Lead Management roles are a trap. - Will Larson

When I was asked at my SORSE talk if it was possible to be both lead developer and manager, I replied that anything was possible but it is really, really hard. The most stressed I’ve been in the last couple of years was when I’ve had both significant technical and managerial responsibilities - they are completely different skillsets requiring your mind to be in different kinds of places. Bouncing between the two is definitely playing the game in hard mode.

Larson agrees, especially for new managers:

The reality is that when you’re trying to learn something brand new, like team management in this case, you’re almost always going to be better off getting to focus on that area.

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