How to apologize for server outages and keep users happy - Adam Fowler, Tech Target

This resource first appeared in issue #53 on 04 Dec 2020 and has tags Technical Leadership: Systems: Other, Technical Leadership: Systems: Incident Handling

How to apologize for server outages and keep users happy - Adam Fowler, Tech Target

When AWS has an outage, it’s in the news and they publish public retrospectives (and here’s a great blog post of the retrospective of the Kinesis incident this week).

Our downtimes and failures don’t make the news, but we owe at least that same level of transparency and communication to our researchers. The technical details will differ from case to case. But what’s also needed is an apology, and some clear message that the team has learned something from the outage to make it less likely to recur. Fowler outlines what’s needed for such an apology:

  • Acknowledgement of what you’re apologizing for,
  • Empathy for the inconvenience the researchers experienced as a result, and
  • Resolution - what the fixes are.
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