How to deprioritize tasks, projects, and plans (without feeling like you’re ‘throwing away’ your time and effort) - Jory MacKay, RescueTime

This resource first appeared in issue #53 on 04 Dec 2020 and has tags Strategy: Prioritization

How to deprioritize tasks, projects, and plans (without feeling like you’re ‘throwing away’ your time and effort) - Jory MacKay, RescueTime

Focus is all about not doing things - which is tough in a research environment when there are so many interesting and valuable things that you could be doing! MacKay’s article summarizes some good strategies for not doing the right things.

  1. Timeboxing - Set limits on how long you’ll work on a task
  2. Create a ‘not to do’ list
  3. Use a weekly review to reassess your priorities
  4. Isolate only the most impactful elements of important tasks
  5. Ask your team, clients, or boss what they think is most important
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