How to say “No” right now - Lara Hogan, Wherewithall

This resource first appeared in issue #52 on 27 Nov 2020 and has tags Strategy: Working with Stakeholders, Strategy: Prioritization

How to say “No” right now - Lara Hogan, Wherewithall

The year end is approaching, and with it deadlines and final pushes. But other stuff comes up.

The solution to dealing with too much work isn’t “time management” - managing time isn’t a power granted to us. There’s only task management, and the number one task management skill is declining them.

This is a good time of year to practice saying no or deferring a yes - everyone’s in the same boat and so understands. In her latest newsletter issue, Hogan walks through three steps to say no for the next month:

  1. Identify the #1 thing you are optimizing for through the end of the year.
  2. Run any decision past that #1 thing.
  3. Say “yes” or “no” in a way that works for you.
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