Own Your Feedback (Part 1) Receive Better Feedback by Asking - Padmini Pyapali

This resource first appeared in issue #48 on 30 Oct 2020 and has tags Managing Your Career: Other, Becoming A Manager: Other, Strategy: Working with Decision Makers, Strategy: Working with Stakeholders

Own Your Feedback (Part 1): Receive Better Feedback by Asking - Padmini Pyapali

We’ve talked about giving feedback to our team members, but we need feedback, too - from our managers, or researcher’s we’re supporting, or other stakeholders. Pyapali makes some specific recommendations for getting good feedback from others. They all involve asking, and how to ask:

  • Be Timely and Specific - you’ll get better feedback if you’re asking soon after the thing you’re asking about, and if you ask specific questions
  • Provide a Reason - people will be more willing to answer if you provide a reason - e.g. you’re working on some skill or behaviour
  • Prepare the Feedback Giver - don’t surprise them with the ask, by either giving them a heads up or…
  • Persist - if you keep asking for feedback - and receiving it well - people will become increasingly willing to provide good feedback.
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