Research Software Engineers - Job Descriptions - Aalto Scientific Computing Group

This resource first appeared in issue #46 on 16 Oct 2020 and has tags Hiring: Other, Technical Leadership: Software Development, Managing A Team: Career Ladders, Hiring: Creating a Job Description

Research Software Engineers - Job Descriptions - Aalto Scientific Computing Group

The Scientific Computing group of Aalto University has text for their job descriptions of a simple three-step (RSE1, RSE2, RSE3) progression for software development in their institution. It’s not a formally recognized ladder by HR yet but it guides their hiring decisions. The whole thing is just a few paragraphs long, but it’s very clear and is a lot more than most institutions have. The other internal documents they have on the page are models of clarity and transparency and they should be commended for it.

Does your institution have anything like this that’s publicly viewable? If so and you’re willing to share with the newsletter community, send it along.

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