OffBoarding as an Engineering Leader - Iccha Sethi

This resource first appeared in issue #42 on 19 Sep 2020 and has tags Managing Your Career: Other, Becoming A Manager: Offboarding

OffBoarding as an Engineering Leader - Iccha Sethi

We’ve had a few articles here about your-first-90-days at a new job; this is an article about your last days as a manager as you move to a new position.

Sethi mentions several areas to focus on:

  • Your team - informing them, and documenting pending performance issues, salary, equity, or promotion status, and then informing them of the departure
  • Documenting the status of the team as a whole and their projects
  • Documenting the status of any projects or initiatives you were pushing for
  • Stakeholders - peer teams, and for us research groups - informing them and having a clear plan to hand them off to a specific individual
  • Documenting a clear transition plan

There’s a lot to do! The good news is that if you’ve been following the practices we’ve been recommending in this newsletter - one-on-ones with notes, regularly quarterly planning and reviews, project documention, and the like - many of these tasks become much easier. And if not - well there’s no need to wait until you’re going to start a new job!

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