Noticing Change - Aviv Ben-Yosef

This resource first appeared in issue #42 on 19 Sep 2020 and has tags Becoming A Manager: Other

Noticing Change - Aviv Ben-Yosef

One of the recurring themes of this newsletter is that research computing is important enough to do with professionalism, and that professionalism is nothing more than being deliberate about what you’re doing, while continuously learning from what you and others have done.

Learning from what you and your team has done necessarily means noticing that there’s been a change. And there’s no way to systematically notice improvements - or regressions - without gathering data, taking notes, and otherwise keeping track of changes and their response.

One suggestion Ben-Yosef makes that I’ve been meaning to try is to make “decision logs” as a manager - or even as a team. When you make a change, or a decision, log it and periodically review to see how that decision played out.

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