Scaling yourself as an engineering manager - Sally Lait

This resource first appeared in issue #40 on 04 Sep 2020 and has tags Managing A Team: Other, Managing Your Career: Other, Becoming A Manager: Delegation, Strategy: Prioritization

Scaling yourself as an engineering manager - Sally Lait

When our responsibilities grow, we need to grow too. That means focussing on the truly important, not doing the things that simply don’t make the cut of the priority list, getting the help you need. Not discussed in this article, though it’s at least as important, is delegating tasks and efforts you know how to do well and were doing previously to your team members, helping them grow as well.

This article also gives some time to two items that don’t get discussed enough. First is that the processes you’ve built that were serving you well - your own processes or process with your teams (how you were doing staff meetings, etc) may need to change; these should always be up for reconsideration.

The second is that you’ll need to communicate what’s changing and why to your entire team. You may be less available, temporarily or not, and a team member who could previously chat with you easily is going to assume the worst if suddenly you seem aloof and less communicative. Any changes you make should be communicated clearly and probably repeatedly to your team (and any other affected stakeholders).

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