Bioinformatics challenges in multidisciplinary research - Mina Ali

This resource first appeared in issue #28 on 13 Jun 2020 and has tags Managing A Team: Team organization, Managing A Team: Data Teams

Bioinformatics challenges in multidisciplinary research - Mina Ali

The reason I prefer to talk about Research Computing as a whole rather than research software development/systems/curated databases/…, or breaking things out into bioinformatics/data science/simulations/… , is that the same issues come up over and over again.

We’ve had articles in the roundup before about setting up a data science team in an organization and the challenges of having it be its own thing (and thus isolated) vs having team members scattered and individually embedded (and so don’t get the growth opportunity of working on multiple projects with colleagues). Mina Ali’s article talks about exactly the same issue with bioinformaticians, because it’s exactly the same problem.

Balancing the need for having some kind of embeddedness in problems with being part of a community is tricky, but it has to be done for the work and the individuals to succeed.

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