Remote brainstorming for regular humans - Bartek Ciszkowski

This resource first appeared in issue #26 on 29 May 2020 and has tags Technical Leadership: Other, Managing A Team: Other, Becoming A Manager: Meetings, Becoming A Manager: Remote

Remote brainstorming for regular humans - Bartek Ciszkowski

Whiteboarding and brainstorming are harder to do when the team is distributed. Here are some suggestions for Ciszkowski on how to do distributed brainstorming:

  • Do it in ~20 minute chunks with 5 minute breaks
  • Use a simple white boarding tool (Ciszkowski suggests excalidraw which I hadn’t seen before) or even just a screenshared google doc to record responses. That way people can visualize connections between ideas to trigger new ideas.
  • Periodically restate to your objectives to keep the brainstorming on track.
  • Make sure everyone is chiming in.

I’ll just add something that’s not unique to distributed brainstorming: ban commenting on the ideas raised (especially critiques!) You are aiming for lots of ideas first. Only after idea-gathering is complete is it time for distillation and evaluation.

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