Time management when everything’s a priority - Elizabeth Harrin, Girl’s Guide to PM

This resource first appeared in issue #25 on 22 May 2020 and has tags Strategy: Prioritization, Managing Your Career: Productivity

Time management when everything’s a priority - Elizabeth Harrin, Girl’s Guide to PM

Most of these items are things you will have seen before, but even pros routinely practice the basics:

  1. Schedule Your Time
  2. Know the Difference Between Urgent and Important
  3. Understand Your Priorities
  4. Delegate and Help
  5. Plan at Different Levels
  6. Know When You are Most Productive
  7. Deal With Email
  8. Integrate Your Schedules
  9. Deal With Conflicts
  10. Stay Positive

I recently tackled two things on this list. I started blocking off my schedule for tasks that require a period of focussed time; I’ve always been skeptical but it’s great. Harder for me was getting firmer with my email — setting my devices to only poll for new email hourly, and cc:s get forwarded to a different folder which I check at the end of the day. It’s been awesome.

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