Attitudes toward Change and Transformational Leadership A Longitudinal Study - Matthew David Henricks, Michael Young & E. James Kehoe, *J. Change Management*

This resource first appeared in issue #24 on 15 May 2020 and has tags Strategy: Change Management

Attitudes toward Change and Transformational Leadership: A Longitudinal Study - Matthew David Henricks, Michael Young & E. James Kehoe, J. Change Management

There’s a lot of people who spend their careers studying how workplaces work. I don’t think most of the management literature percolates into STEM fields — the papers look funny. They’re full of impenetrable jargon (unlike our normal completely buzzword-free reading) and the text seems impossibly fluffy compared to dense STEM work (but, well, people’s behaviour doesn’t lend itself to formulae and small dense sentences).

This is a longitudindal study that probably aligns with you already believe, but it’s worth highlighting - you absolutely can change culture or practices in a team or larger organization, but you can’t do it by having a single event and then putting up some posters. It takes time and sustained effort. People systems are like large ships; it’s hard to get them to change course, but once actually you get them turning they have a lot of momentum.

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