14 questions to ask an underperforming employee during a one-on-one meeting - Clair Lew, Know Your Team

This resource first appeared in issue #22 on 01 May 2020 and has tags Becoming A Manager: One-on-ones, Becoming A Manager: Managing Individuals

14 questions to ask an underperforming employee during a one-on-one meeting - Clair Lew, Know Your Team

Good question types to get to the root of why an employee isn’t performing well on some kinds of tasks. They come in two categories:

  • Looking inward, to find: “How have I been letting this person down? How have I been getting in the way?”
  • Looking outward, to find: “What on the employee’s end is limiting them? What choices or capabilities of their own are keeping them from the results you want to see?”
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