Building a Shared Resource HPC Center Across University Schools and Institutes A Case Study - MacLachlan *et al.*

This resource first appeared in issue #20 on 17 Apr 2020 and has tags Strategy: Working with Decision Makers, Technical Leadership: HPC, Strategy: Product/Service Management

Building a Shared Resource HPC Center Across University Schools and Institutes: A Case Study - MacLachlan et al.

Here the authors describe the history of an HPC centre at George Washington University; it’s interesting to read this in the light of the broader study above. We see some of the same themes; “The budget did not include operating budget line items for staff and operating expenses in the initial budget” and yet “New staff resources was one of the most critical success factors as well as the most difficult to fund long-term.”

The centre was able to leverage XSEDE training and XSEDE campus champions program, which is a big help.

And an interesting tidbit: “The services of an HPC management company, R Systems NA Inc.[9], have been retained to facilitate issues resolution during periods when [the facility] is short-staffed.”

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