Organizing a Conference Online A Quick Guide - Geoffrey Rockwell, Oliver Rossier, Chelsea Miya & Casey Germain

This resource first appeared in issue #17 on 29 Mar 2020 and has tags Working With A Research Community: Hosting Conferences/Events, Working With A Research Community: Other, Becoming A Manager: Remote

Organizing a Conference Online: A Quick Guide - Geoffrey Rockwell, Oliver Rossier, Chelsea Miya & Casey Germain

Two weeks ago I included another resource for putting together an online conference; this one explores does more to the range of different outcomes you might want a conference to have — what would make you think this conference you’re considering was successful? — and how you could arrange a virtual conference to achieve that. What’s more, it goes into a couple possibilities for ways that a virtual conference could be organized that you couldn’t or wouldn’t do for an in-person conference.

We’ll be attending online conferences a lot in the next few months, and that will make people more willing to take part in virtual conferences in the years ahead. If we learn to do these well, they could be a very useful for conferences for small or dispersed communities, or initial conferences to bring a community together.

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