Get unstuck on your infrastructure choices - Fred Ross

This resource first appeared in issue #14 on 17 Mar 2020 and has tags Technical Leadership: Other, Strategy: Project Management

Get unstuck on your infrastructure choices - Fred Ross

A good reminder that there are a lot of perfectly good technical solutions out there and worrying about which one is “the best” probably isn’t worth your time:

Decide based on the following criteria:

  1. Has your company already standardized on one of these? Use what they do.
  2. Do you already have experience on one of them? Use what you know.
  3. Do you have a friend or colleague that knows one of them and who will help you? Use what they know.
  4. Pick one at random.

The context here is in the context of VMs, orchestration, and Linux distros, but I think this can also be used for any of a number of tools we use in managing research teams too. Should we use Slack or Teams? Zoom or Skype? Trello, Asana, or Github Projects? Whatever. There are teams using any combination of them successfully. Pick one and start.

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