How To Run A Free Online Academic Conference - Franklin Sayre, Tisha Mentnech, Amy Riegelman, Vicky Steeves, Shirley Zhao

This resource first appeared in issue #14 on 17 Mar 2020 and has tags Working With A Research Community: Other, Working With A Research Community: Hosting Conferences/Events, Becoming A Manager: Remote

How To Run A Free Online Academic Conference - Franklin Sayre, Tisha Mentnech, Amy Riegelman, Vicky Steeves, Shirley Zhao

Successful research computing projects build a research community around them, but not always on the scale where throwing a national or international conference or workshop to bring practitioners together seems like it would make sense. And even if it might make sense, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to test the idea first, to see how it goes?

This evolving Google Doc distills what the organizers learned from putting together the virtual Librarians Building Momentum for Reproducibility conference. It’s largely a list of questions to help guide planning, including (I think crucially) an outcomes checklist, and a list of other resources.

Have you put together a virtual academic conference or workshop around a research computing tool or method - or attended one? Has it worked? Let me know, because there are some ideas I’d love to try out…

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