Premortems The solution to the Preventable Problems Paradox - Shreyas Doshi on Twitter

This resource first appeared in issue #12 on 28 Feb 2020 and has tags Technical Leadership: Other, Managing A Team: Other, Strategy: Project Management

Premortems: The solution to the Preventable Problems Paradox - Shreyas Doshi on Twitter

This is a great twitter thread, which I assume is a summary of one of the author’s presentations, giving very specific advice on how to run a pre-mortem before starting a project to identify potential issues before they arise. It’s so easy for people to see potential issues and not say anything; it could be because they’re not comfortable speaking up, but it could just as easily be because they assume someone more senior would have thought of that already and decided it wasn’t a problem. Get all those tigers, paper tigers, and elephants (you’ll see) out in the open and make sure you have plans for them if you discover them in the wild.

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