Some Ad-Hoc thoughts about PIPs - Roy Rapoport

This resource first appeared in issue #6 on 14 Feb 2020 and has tags Becoming A Manager: Feedback, Becoming A Manager: Managing Individuals

A very short but effective set of google slides on the importance of small frequent feedback, Some Ad-Hoc thoughts about PIPs by Roy Rapoport who writes well on these topics.

I wish there was a similar example for positive feedback, which is at least as and arguably more important than negative. A more serious responsibility of a team leader than catching mistakes on any particular task is helping your team members excel and grow. One important way of doing that is, when someone does something well, giving immediate positive feedback with enough detail that they can do it well again. People learn do get really good at things through guided practice; it’s your job do provide some of that guiding through positive feedback.

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