Category: Strategy: Advocacy Resources

Parent categories: Strategy

The ELIXIR Core Data Resources fundamental infrastructure for the life sciences, the ELIXIR team

The ELIXIR Core Data Resources: fundamental infrastructure for the life sciences, the ELIXIR team Funding of research computing and data resources is hard. As was pointed out in a recent blogpost at US-RSE, research infrastructure is generally funded as a project, which ends (“and they all lived happily ever after”), rather than as a product which continues to be used; “sustainability” is a word that comes up very quickly in research computing conversations. This is a good paper that makes a familiar case for funding...


Evidence for the importance of research software - Michelle Barker, Daniel S. Katz, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran

Evidence for the importance of research software - Michelle Barker, Daniel S. Katz, Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran A nice list of papers, talks, and other resources on the topic of the impact of research software. There’s also a continually updated Zotero group library and Github repository.


Building digital workforce capacity and skills for data-intensive science - OECD Science, Technology and Industry Policy Papers

Building digital workforce capacity and skills for data-intensive science - OECD Science, Technology and Industry Policy Papers This white paper takes a careful look at to what the workforce needs will be to enable data-intensive science in both the public and private sectors. They take a close look at 13 case studies, and it’s worth reading if you’re interested - it’s only about 40 pages. Maybe most crucially, a key take-away of the report is: There is a need for both digitally skilled researchers [..]...


The Case for ‘Center Class’ HPC Think Tank Calls for $10B Fed Funding over Five Years

The Case for ‘Center Class’ HPC: Think Tank Calls for $10B Fed Funding over Five Years For those who haven’t seen the Centre for Data Innovation’s report advocating tripling NSF’s funding for university HPC centres, the report and the arguments therein may be useful for your own internal advocacy efforts.


Advancing the Workforce That Supports Computationally and Data Intensive Research - Patrick Schmitz, Scott Yockel, Claire Mizumoto, Thomas Cheatham, Dana Brunson, Computing in Science and Engineering

Advancing the Workforce That Supports Computationally and Data Intensive Research - Patrick Schmitz, Scott Yockel, Claire Mizumoto, Thomas Cheatham, Dana Brunson, Computing in Science and Engineering In #79 we mentioned an NSF grant on Strategic Tools, Practices, and Professional Development for Advancing Research Computing and Data. In this paper, the investigators give a great overview of the need for research computing and data personnel, real professional development opportunities, the very different requirements from higher ed IT, and the need for a career ladder on the...


Sustained software development, not number of citations or journal choice, is indicative of accurate bioinformatic software - Paul P. Gardner *et al.*, Genome Biology

Sustained software development, not number of citations or journal choice, is indicative of accurate bioinformatic software - Paul P. Gardner et al., Genome Biology The quote from the Results section sort of says it all: We find that software speed, author reputation, journal impact, number of citations and age are unreliable predictors of software accuracy. This is unfortunate because these are frequently cited reasons for selecting software tools. However, GitHub-derived statistics and high version numbers show that accurate bioinformatic software tools are generally the product...


Research Software Capability in Australia - Michelle Barker and Markus Buchhorn

Survey reveals 6000+ people develop and maintain vital research software for Australian research - Jo Savill, Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC) Research Software Capability in Australia - Michelle Barker and Markus Buchhorn Interesting results from a late-2021 ARDC survey on research software capability, of 70 managers of Australian research computing and data groups. Results were scaled to try to give an estimate of all-of-Australia numbers. The article by Savill gives an overview, and the full report by Barker and Buchhorn is interesting reading. Some key...
